Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Sunday, February 12, 2006
IED Neutralizer
This makes sense.

HEY!!! Don't rush me man!

Rummy is probably making heads roll when they wake him up from his daily nap to sign papers to move this project along:
A device called the Joint IED Neutralizer boasts a 90 percent success rate in destroying roadside bombs, but the Pentagon won't let it be used in Iraq, the LAT reports. Although Pentagon officials insist that further testing is needed, others are frustrated by what they consider stalling from an agency out of touch with the immediate needs of ground soldiers. Over 50 percent of total American casualties have been attributed to roadside bombs. "The Army isn't saying no to this," a former Pentagon official says. "They are just saying yes very, very slowly, and it's a tragedy." A NYT front page feature underscores this point with the story of two soldiers recovering from wounds inflicted by roadside explosives.
I'm sure it will be deployed as successfully as all that armor that has been sent to Iraq.

With Jan having attended the funeral of a friend's only child killed in Iraq by an IED yesterday (I'm hoping she'll write about it for me), this story is even more infuriating.