Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Sunday, February 12, 2006
A Few Patriots?
I was watching "This Week" this morning. The roundtable had Donna Brazile, George "stoneface" Will, and an obviously ailing David Gergen (he sounded like he was rousted out of the flu bed for the gig, poor guy). Anyway, all three on the panel were pretty hard on Bush for incompetence in general, and Katrina in particular. The two conservatives felt that the incompetence issue wasn't going to be an election issue though, and they propogated the usual "Democrats soft on defense" nonsense.

Anyway, then I start reading the usual suspects and I find this from Slate:
The House select committee report, titled "A Failure of Initiative," turns out to be far from the GOP hush job that Democratic leaders expected when they boycotted the committee upon its creation last September, the Post reports. Ripping into the federal government's "blinding lack of situational awareness," the report, composed entirely by Republican House members, unsparingly chastises the government's failures in anticipation, evacuation, and communication, leaving nobody off the blame train.
I guess this report is a barn burner against the administration, which begs the question. If competence is not going to be an election issue, why are House Republicans distancing themselves from the Preznit on competence?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What a great site
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