Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Monday, February 13, 2006
Faux Confused
I've started my usual morning roundup of the news. The big story, and I mean BIG, is the story of "Big Dick" Cheney blasting his hunting partner. Cheney apparently turned 180' tracking a bird and blasted his buddy. Of course, it's being spun as the buddy's fault. But anyone who has hunted says it's the shooter responsibility. The shootee is in the ICU with his "flesh wounds" (uh huh).

What I find amazing is this. This story is a sign of the times. I believe the shooting was an accident. Perhaps Cheney was negligent, perhaps not. The story is certainly peripheral to the nation's well-being. But the media is lapping it up with big, detailed stories. Meanwhile, BushCo continues to rip up the Constitution, imprison and torture people including citizens, destroy our economy, and destroy our standing in the international community. But do you know what will be discussed by all the pundits today?

I guess that's what's meant by messaging. We need a sex angle to the torture thing, perhaps some necrophilia or something, then maybe the media will care.

Added: I must say, many of the posts about "Dead Eye Dick" are funnier than hell.