Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Of course the big news is the Preznit's escalation speech tomorrow night and the Democrats response. Some Dems are introducing legislation to stop the escalation while others see it as "not my job". I think the Dems should absolutely pass legislation limiting the escalation and pass it ASAP. But I'm also mindful that Congressional action would likely be a more of a political statement than a policy change. Any such legislation will be vetoed by Bush. Besides that, the escalation has already begun with extra troops deployed and rotations deferred. But at least a legislative fight continues to get everyone in Congress on the record at this point on the Iraq war.

Meanwhile Iraq continues to deteriorate. With the U.S. military pressing on the edges of Sadr City, deaths have increased. Here's an excellent article discussing conditions on that frontier, hinting at what we're in for should the U.S. military actually enter Sadr City. Excerpt:
BAGHDAD -- A mock bumper sticker affixed to a door in the headquarters building of a U.S. outpost in eastern Baghdad proclaims: "I Love Sadr City." Soldiers smile when they see it. They know the opposite is true.

During one tense mission recently, U.S. army soldiers rolled up to the edge of the Shiite slum in hulking Stryker armoured vehicles. They never set foot inside, but they still got a sharp reaction.

A burst of gunfire rang out moments after soldiers got out, prompting one squad to take cover in the home of an unemployed man named Abdul-Kareem Hassan Dhamin.

More shooting followed, but then, just as suddenly, it stopped.