Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Think A Moment Rahm
I continue to read about Emanuel's shooting his mouth off about the "centrists" strategy and bad-mouthing liberals. He's as responsible as Republicans for pushing the idea that conservatism won last night, despite the facts. And I gotta tell you, it's going down like castor-oil for a lot of folks who have been the grass-roots of the Democratic party. Contrast that with what Howard Dean said about the netroots:
That’s a growing influence on politics in general. There is also a conservative blogosphere, not only the liberal blogosphere, of course.

The netroots community can be very proud. They’re playing a bigger role.

Without the blogs, Jerry McInerny and Carole Shay (NH-1), would not have won. Entirely grassroots effort, without support form the Party, including us.

A big deal.

Here’s an even bigger deal. As you know, robocalls, flyers, low-ball election techniques. We knew about that instantly because of the blogs. We are not sure (Repubs) did it more than in the past, but we knew about it faster. Updates every 10 minutes from people who called 1-888-DEM-VOTE. (or whatever). We were able to get lawyers to polling places immediately.

The instantaneousness of the blogs, of people who read the blogs, who get that information to us, is a huge improvement over 2004.
Whatever Emanuel or the DLC'ers believe, isn't it just good form to shut you pie-hole for a day or two, or better yet to thank everyone for a job well done?

I've been thinking about it a bit. It's ego-maniacs idiots like him that really split the party. He's already being humorously labeled as Rahm Delay. It took all of us to get here. It will take all of us to stay here. Dissing one active, passionate and important portion of the party before anything even happens is not very smart. Unlike obedient little Republicans who fall for the bait and switch like small children, passionate liberals will quickly fall on their sword for what they believe. It's their strength .... and their weakness. Anyone remember a guy named Ralph Nadar not all that long ago? I believe his existence is largely responsible for Bush being in office and the Republicans taking Congress. Does anyone really doubt that if you make the netroots angry enough, it couldn't happen again?

Someone please. Get to Rahm Emanuel and tell him to STFU!

Update: Just sent a copy of this to the DCCC. I'm quite sure they'll get it to Rahm straight-away and we'll hear from him .......