Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tripping Over Each Other For Credit
There's going to be a lot of post morteming this election .... like all of them. I think the netroots deserve some credit for the change, and this backs that up as much as anything I've read.

And then there's Rahm Emmanuel. What a pain in the ass. He had this to say:
In private talks before the election, Emanuel and other top Democrats told their members they cannot allow the party's liberal wing to dominate the agenda next year. Democrats will hold 30 or 35 seats that went for Bush in the past, meaning that Democratic candidates such as Brad Ellsworth in rural Indiana are likely to face competitive races again in 2008. Still, their interests are likely to collide with those of veteran liberals such as Reps. Henry A. Waxman (Calif.) and John Conyers Jr., (Mich.), who will chair committees.

With that in mind, there is a chance the 110th Congress could begin on a bipartisan note. Democrats have vowed to move quickly to tighten ethics laws and require offsets for new spending — two plans many Republicans will probably support in light of yesterday's results. Democrats also plan to push next year to raise the minimum wage, increase spending for cargo inspection at ports and reduce rates on student loans, all issues likely to draw some GOP support.

Partisan standoffs are likely over the war and any Democratic efforts to repeal Bush's tax cuts for upper-income America. In both cases, Democratic divisions could complicate Pelosi's plans. Democrats largely avoided detailed positions on a new Iraq strategy, but votes over spending for the military and the Iraq operation will force them to take a position.
Here's a word of advice Rahm. Don't go pissing off a portion of them that brang you to the dance before you've even won anything. How about rather than declaring war on a portion of your party, you just say congratulations to everyone and we'll work together to shape an agenda we can all work with. Christy says it better:
Here's a thought: try governing. Try saying thank you to your base who delivered not just wins for several of your hand-picked candidates, but wins for a helluva lot of folks that you barely acknowledged existed until the last couple of weeks where it became undeniable that they had a chance of winning. Leadership is not grabbing power with both hands. Real leaders acknowledge that it takes the work of a whole lot of folks — progressives, moderates, conservatives — all working together, but adhering to their own principles and to the will of their constituents. And real leaders say "thank you" instead of "screw you, we're doing it my way."
The guys an ego maniac. Unlike Republicans, Democrats are not going to let this power wacko get out of control.