Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Monday, March 05, 2007
Compare and Contrast
This is hilarious.

As you likely know, Bush went to the visit the tornado ravaged areas of the south. And lo and behold:
"The meeting happened inside Hillcrest Baptist Church after President Bush toured the high school's storm damage. The media was not present for the meeting, but Alabama Gov. Bob Riley confirmed Bush was visibly shaken.

"'When you're around this game, you get to the point to where you can discern if the grief is real,' Riley said after Bush left Enterprise Regional Airport on his way to Americus, Ga., to tour more storm damage. 'I tell you, there were tears streaming down his cheeks.' "
Ahhh. Tearful.

Kool aid anyone?

Lest I sound hard-hearted, it's important to remember the diagnositic criteria for a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A key symptom is "lacks empathy".

Now take a look a this quote:
At a certain point, he seems to have forgotten about the whole tornado thing and just started having a good time.

Ahhhh. Now that's more like it.