Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Torture Bill has a good editorial on the Torture Bill, explaining just how many of our rights were signed away.
The acts of torture now made legal and wholesome include the burning of flesh, the breaking of bones, the placing of needles under fingernails, the tearing of limbs, the disfiguring of faces, and the infliction of general bodily injury that may or may not entail – the fine print of the law isn't clear, making it all the more nefarious, as fine print always is – the loss of a finger or a toe or a testicle.
This is horrific enough. Upon further investigation of the document, however, one discovers that the enemy is not just the faceless Islamic horde but the American people – unsurprising from a regime, abetted by its legislative branch, that already illegally wiretaps its citizens. According to the Torture Act, any American now can be declared an "unlawful combatant" to be arrested, held indefinitely without hearing or charge or trial, tortured without cease or until such time as hell freezes over.

I'm so tired of all of it. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 (S. 3930) is here. Read for yourself. Where did my country go?
Blogger Guthrum said...
We learned from the BBC that this foul act was passed yesterday, and speaking as an alien who plans to vist the US next month, and is actively against both Bush and Blair, it does fill me with sorrow that the USA has sleepwalked into this mess. You may have read that our Military have made an unconstitutional foray into domestic politics in the form of the Chief of the General Staff, the result being that the UK land forces will quit Iraq in the next 12 months. Blair will be gone by then, and to ensure that this never happens again there is a strong movement to have a new Bill of Rights and that only Parliament can declare war, not through the Royal Perogative as exercised by the Prime Minister. Your country has not gone, even Bush would not dare take the right to vote away.Vote him down as you did with John Adams and repeal this Law that is a stain on your country. Good Luck

Blogger Lynne said...
We did vote him down, twice. Once in 2000 and once in 2004.

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."—Joseph Stalin

Blogger Guthrum said...
Third Time lucky Lynne ! Nil deperandum

Blogger Greyhair said...
Step one: overwhelm the polls with votes.

Step two: use a majority in congress to reform how we vote.

Step three: legislate non-partisanship in Secs of State at the state level.