Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Scrubba Dub Dub
NBC News did it again. Rachel Maddow nailed Tucker Carlson on the bin Laden statements that were identical to GOP talking points. That part of the transcript that was critical of Republicans was scrubbed clean.

Just to insure proper context here. Carlson was promoting the GOP talking point that Osama took his cues from American lefties, specifically Ted Kennedy and Michael Moore, to craft his most recent tape. When Maddow pointed out a couple of lines from bin Laden's tape that were Bush-esque, Carlson was blown away:
This is a global war on terror. This is a war for you or for us to win. You need patience...He sounds like Ken Mehlman when he's saying that only less gay. I mean this is ridiculous.
You could just hear the pearl clutching by the "shocked, SHOCKED" Republicans that anyone would say such a mean, hurtful thing!

Maddow's comments were in no way inappropriate by Republican standards, cabel "news" standards, or of out of context. Democrats and progressives can be called any label in the book and accused of treason over and over, but when a progressive says something deregatory (and true btw) about a GOP hack, it's scrubbed. It unfortunate to say that, but the news media in general and the cable news folks in particular have allowed the discourse to become coarse ... mostly for ratings. Why start to "selectively" censor now?

And even if "some" in NBC found it inappropriate, it's wrong to scrub it from a transcript. I'm sure that Carlson's show wasn't even over before GOP operatives were on the phone to their pals at NBC News.

Like the Soviet education system, NBC News has made those Maddow comments "unhappen".