Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Your Iraq Roundup
I really haven't written much about Iraq in a couple of days. It's really the same news day after day. Here's a good summary of recent events by Slates TP:
After announcing that troop levels in Iraq will remain steady, Gen. Abizaid was asked "point-blank" if the U.S. is winning, the Post writes. His response: "Given unlimited time and unlimited support, we're winning the war." In the present, however, sectarian violence continues to spiral out of control. According to the NYT, Prime Minister Maliki is partially to blame. The Iraqi leader's four months in office have been characterized by indecisiveness. Most notably, he has been unwilling to confront the armed groups tearing the country apart. An Iraqi reporter for the LAT captures the destruction they are causing in a remarkable feature. He writes that in Iraq, no one even stops to help those dying around them: "Bringing someone to the hospital or to the police is out of the question. Nobody trusts the police, and nobody wants to answer questions."
Damned right you don't stop to help anyone lest you get your head cut off. And Maliki's "weakness"? Pretty easy to criticize sitting in the comfort of Washington. And don't you just love Abizaid? It's like saying we could pacify Iraq with a couple of nukes.

I think I agree with Atrios who has said that there is no way on god's green earth that Bush will withdraw from Iraq. It would be an admission of defeat. We're there until 2008. Face it.