Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Krypton to Superman
This is great:
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Reuters) - Karl Rove, a top political adviser to President Bush said on Thursday he had called Sen. Joseph Lieberman to wish him well in the Democratic primary in Connecticut this week.
Someone, likely in the Democratic party, is working overtime to torpedo Joementum. By leaking the initial story, and now by Rove having to verify it, Joe's kiss with Bush takes on a whole new meaning. Frankly, I'd like to see boltin' Joe join the Republicans. He'd fit right in.

Then again. Other more machivaellian thinkers see this all as a part of a GOP plan to keep the House of Reps. Rove is certainly capable of it. But I don't think it will work. The anti-incumbency mood is much more likely to win out over the "motivate the base to win" strategy.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'd like to see boltin' Joe join the Republicans. He'd fit right in.

Better that than to pull a "Nader" and suck votes from Lamont.