Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I ran across this bit of analysis on the latest Gallup poll. Bush's approval hangs about where it has for a few months now, 37%. Of course many in the mainstream media still tout how "popular" he is. Anyway, there's this:
There's a new question on the poll: "Do you think the Bush administration has a clear and well-thought out policy on the situation in the Middle East, or not?" The results: 27 percent say he does, 67 percent say he does not.'
I know it's not original, but you gotta wonder about these 27% .... or even the 37% who still approve of Bush. It's shockingly revealing that a full one-third of the voting public is either oblivious or of-a-mind to think that Bush's policies are of any quality at all. But then a full one-third of the United States believes in ghosts too.

Go figure.
Blogger Lynne said...
Hitler still has his fans and look what happened to him.