Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
And In Other News .....
Remember that little deal that Bush made to help India get more nukes?

After yesterday's Post revealed that Pakistan is ratcheting up its nukes program with a new plant—thus pumping up the subcontinent's nukes race—the White House said it's long known about the plant. It just didn't feel like telling Congress, which instead learned about it a few days ago from independent analysts. As it happens, the Senate is about to consider whether to approve the nuclear deal Bush has inked with India, and Pakistan's plant might just give senators pause.

"What is baffling is that this information—which was surely information that our own intelligence agencies had—was kept from Congress," said a top proliferation expert from the first Bush administration. "We lack imagination if we think that this is no big deal."
Let see.

Lebannon in flames ..... check
Iraq in civil war ..... check
Afghanistan in anarchy ..... check
Arms race between India and Pakistan ..... check
Domestic security a mess ..... check
Civil Liberties disappearing ..... check

Forgive me. But doesn't it seem that everything this guy touches turns to shit?

Heckuva job Bushie!

Update: Just a brief reminder. It is widely assumed, and I think accurately, that Pakistan is in some way a sanctuary for Osama bin Laden and that Pakistan is also a hairs breath away from becoming an Islamic Republic that hates the west. Just one of those annoying "unintended consequences".
Blogger Lynne said...
All this is straight out of the PNAC playbook, yes?

Blogger Greyhair said...
But of course!