Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Friday, April 07, 2006
I'm seeing a lot written and said by GOP types of the likes of this:
"They are so far down that anything might help, but the prospects for 2006 still look disastrous for the party."

-- Dick Morris, in an email to Political Wire, on how Rep. Tom DeLay's (R-TX) resignation announcement impacts Republicans in the midterm elections.
Now we all know that anything Dick "toe-sucker" Morris is not the most reliable of hacks. But there seems to be a chorus singing this same tune. I'm wondering if this isn't a Rovian-type strategy to set the stage for the mid-terms, lower expectations, motivate the conservative base and generally fuck with the Democrats heads. Yeah, the numbers look promising for liberals. But the election is a looooooong way off, and I wouldn't take anything for granted.