As the old saying goes,
one picture is worth a thousand words. If you don't know, that's Karl Rove sitting, Karen Hughes standing in the middle and George .... ah ..... what's his name? .... ah .... Bush! standing and listening properly.
Everyone and their dog is speculating about the meaning of Rove's fifth appearance before the grand jury today. No one really knows anything. The most informed speculation (imo) suggests that Rove's appearance is not good news for Rove or the administration, that either Rove made a deal and is singing, or that Fitzgerald is "nailing down" the indictment of Rove (Rove apparently "volunteered" to appear
at the request of Fitzy).
I'd love to see Rove go down. I'd really love to see Cheney go down. I'd be positively orgasmic to see Bush go down.
Here's the image for that dream: