As I posted below, Bush is flirting with the roaring 20's in approval ratings.
I got to thinking about this a bit.
Why aren't more Republicans who are up for election panicing? The kind of numbers showing up in polls should be deeply troubling. But Republicans continue to dance to the Bush tune?
I wonder if it's a high level of cynicism on the part of Republican politicians about the American voter. Afterall, we've had a couple of elections since 2000 where government corruption, torture, abuse, malfesance, illegality and warmongering have been ratified by voters. Maybe they don't think there'll ever be an "accountability moment"?
And who knows .... they might be right.
Plus, I think the situation is similar to the Dems on the Iraq war vote. Repudiating earlier support for Bush would be politically very complicated in the middle of a campaign. The best bet is probably to try to not act like its a big deal which is what they're doing.