Just finished watching the pearl clutching crew on "This Week".
If Cokie Roberts and George Will get anymore pompous, they'll never be able to lay down because of that cob stuck up their ...... well you know.
Anyway, just a note about one comment made. They were discussing the
firing and possible indictment of CIA employee Mary McCarthy for leaking. There's was general nodding agreement that she should "take her medicine" for "breaking the law", with Donaldson offering a weak defense that her leaks were a public service.
What struck me was the total absence of
any discussion of other leaks that have occurred in the White House that have been proven and
not prosecuted?
Also, David Corn mentions this little tidbit:
Meanwhile, I spotted this interesting tidbit at the end of Sunday's Washington Post piece on the arrest:
The White House also has recently barraged the agency with questions about the political affiliations of some of its senior intelligence officers, according to intelligence officials.
What? How long until a bill is introduced that it's illegal to be a Democrat and work in government?
Image stolen unashamedily from Billmon