Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Friday, March 31, 2006
Bad Taste = CW UPDATED
I'm shocked, but I really shouldn't be.

I keep running across posts outlining how the right-wing media are lambasting Jill Carroll. The whole "shock jock" mentality of blogging and the media has gotten so out of hand, I'm sick of it. It seems that rather than have talent, or skill, all you have to do is be outrageous to gain fame and fortune.

Jill Carroll has been through untold horrors. Who knows what she really thinks at this point? And no matter what she says, doesn't she deserve some respect, even by critics? Can't they keep their mouths shut, at least for a few days until the dust settles and she gets a chance to get away from Iraq?

Of course, ultimately we're to blame. Those who read and watch these outlets do nothing but encourage it. I wonder how just how crass we have to become before the pendulum swings?

Update: I see Digby agrees with me. Badda boom, badda bing!