Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Friday, March 31, 2006
Plame Opus
That's how The Booman Tribune describes the latest article by Murray Waas.

To be honest, I haven't read it yet but I will shortly. It apparently describes in some detail the events around the Plame affair, specifically how Plame was just a small part of an overarching program to protect Bush from charges of trumping up WMD claims in the lead up to the war. It's longish, but apparently a must read.

And how has our intrepid news media reacted? I'll let Dan Froomkin say it for me:
But in the traditional media, the reaction has been utter and complete silence -- both after Waas's well-documented March 2 story, and again today. There's not one word about it in a single major outlet this morning.

And that's just not acceptable. Waas's fellow reporters at major news operations should either acknowledge and try to follow up his stories -- or debunk them. It's not okay to just leave them hanging out there. They're too important.