Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Dems Ignore GLBT Community
The DNC has omitted any reference to GLBT Americans in their Annual Grassroots report. The comments following the story are interesting but I am drawn to this comment the most:
I gave up on the Democrats many years ago, when Reagan was elected and the DNC began a passive, impotent role as the "minority" party. The Democrats have failed at every turn to stop the multiple wars generated by the neoconservatives, repeatedly failing to use legitimate parliamentary maneuvers in the Congress to kill legislation that diminishes human rights: Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the misnamed "Patriot" Act, Democrats failed to block the corporate-favored bankruptcy law revisions that penalize working people and the middle class; Dems also voted in favor of the multiple anti-same-sex marriage laws in many states; and the DNC has not managed to make a major headway into the debacle of the tragedy of Katrina nor in meeting the needs of the hundreds of thousands of people touched by the devastation; Democrats have failed to protect the environment and in advancing laws to demand renewable energy development and use over fossil fuels; Dems have similarly failed to have the USA sign the Kyoto Treaty nor take global climate change seriously. When it comes to GLBT rights and equality, the Dems have only ever offered lip-service when it suited their political purposes.
I much prefer the Green Party (I have a few reservations with the American Greens, too), which has in its original mission statement a universal declaration of human rights that specifically states that GLBT sexual orientations are protected. IMHO, what is happening is that neither the GOP nor the Dems speak for the American people, but are singularly interested in maintaining the status quo, which is the problem: the de facto two party system has long not served the USA well and it long ago stopped being useful. We need many voices and these two parties failed to be those voices of authenticity for the American people a long, long time ago. We need a people's revolution (this is a non-violent proposition) to replace the regressive system of two parties with one that encourages many voices and views to be heard, considered, and represented.

I agree, James. The Green's website is here.. The Democrats know they are in trouble. They have proposed a bill that would ban third parties from Congressional races.
Update: After reading this story a coworker remarked:
The name of the bill, HR 4694 ("Let the People Decide Clean Campaign Act"), is fully as odious as "No child Left Behind" and the various "clean air" acts of the republicans. I'm badly paraphrasing but Churchill once said to an opponent: "We have established your profession. Now we are simply negotiating the price." Is it possible that these people have actually sprung from American soil?