Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I'm not sure what to think about this.
Greyhair, you are a rational being. Is there something to this?
Blogger Greyhair said...
I think it's generally bunk. It's intriguing, but I think deeply flawed.

One problem with big conspiracies is that they require big secrets. Keeping that kind of secret is quite difficult with a government that can't tie it's shoes very well and informers who get greedy. This is the biggest problem with the Kennedy conspiracies, at least as they relate to governmental conspiracy. Anything is possible. But at this point, if I were on a jury judging the guilt/innocence of the "conspirators", I'd have to vote not guilty.

I DO think the Bush administration was highly negliegent in not reading the intelligence about the possiblity of an attack. But a conspiracy to cause it, I don't think so personally.