Here is an interesting post about
the trials of trying to volunteer with the Dems.
I'd be interested in hearing from others (Greyhair) about their "boots on the ground" experiences. I've just started investigating the South Carolina Democrats (yeah, there actually are some). I'll let you know more about it in the future.
So, I show up at the Dem HQ and there are three of us newbie volunteers and no one is expecting us and no one knows what we are supposed to do. I went back two more times before calling it good.
On the other hand, we got involved with one of our City Council members who was running for State Assembly in our district. We made calls, we wrote letters, we walked precincts and we kicked butt. Now we are working as database managers for a friend of our Assemblywoman who is running for City Council.
Whoever said, "Think Globally, Act Locally" know exactly how it really is.