Nothing makes my blood boil like the
DLC types who advocate the Democratic party become Republican Lite.
It's happening again.
Kevin Drum has a post up back-slapping John Dickerson's
piece in Slate warning the Dems that we better be good, quiet little citizens on the whole NSA illegal wiretapping issue. And of course
Marshall Whittman, a Democratic politico who's positions are to the right of Bush's, agree's wholeheartedly.
You see. If the Dems get nasty about Bush's unconstititional behavior then those big bad Republicans just might try and use it against the Dems in 2006. You know, the they're-soft-on-terraism meme.
Digby does a thorough take-down, so I don't really have to. But one of the reasons for a blog is to get stuff off your chest. Digby makes the case with reason and polling data. I want to make the case by saying that if the Dems are going to choose positions based on whether the GOP attacks that position or not, then we're screwed.
Of course they will attack.
Any position taken by Dems will be fought by Republicans. And most of the American public doesn't really pay very close attention to most of it. What voters
do pay attention to is the strength of belief held by the politicians running for office. If Dems can passionately make their case, they'll win. If Dems follow the advice of Drum, Whittman, et. al. and pull out the slide rules to get a political calculus of what will fly, then we'll continue to lose and lose without any dignity.
We can just say "give me liberty of give me death". We have to embody it.
For those of you who have had to sit through one of these little rants before, thank you for your patience.