Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Monday, November 20, 2006
Lotsa Ifs
But wouldn't it be fun to watch?
Vern Buchanan [R] might have been certified as the winner in this race, but it's far from over. Democratic candidate Christine Jennings is already contesting the results, citing reports of malfunctioning voting machines, and if Jennings refuses to concede and shows enough evidence of malfunctions, the race could be the House itself.

A new article in Roll Call spells it out (paid subscription): Election watchers around the country think that the race could end up before a House committee — the House Administration Committee, which oversees Federal elections. If so, the full House, which in the end is responsible for seating new members, could potentially vote on which of the two candidates to seat, thus deciding the race's outcome itself — or could call for a new recount, or even declare the seat vacant and mandate a new election. Right now, of course, the House is still GOP-controlled, but by the time of this vote it could be in the hands of Dems — meaning Jennings could conceivably pull off a win after all.
Jennings is down by 349 votes and has a very good case for the machines malfunctioning. Watch the media go apeshit over this if it ends up in the House. Why. The Republic itself will be on the line!