Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Strip Searching Students
The House has just quietly passed a bill (HR 5295) that will allow warrantless searches of students, including strip searches.
This legislation mandates that every public school provide a policy that permits teachers and school officials to conduct invasive searches of any type on minors, including strip searches. The legislation also insulates those that conduct the searches from liability by requiring that school policy deem such searches as 'reasonable' and 'permissible.'

Just in time for Mark Foley to snag a nice job as a public school teacher. Oh, the possibilities.
I find this very interesting:
Sep 19, 2006: This bill passed in the House of Representatives by voice vote. A record of each representative's position was not kept.
Blogger Ms. Jan said...
"Just in time for Mark Foley to snag a nice job as a public school teacher."
Hahahahahahahaha! Great idea!