Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Monday, October 09, 2006
Paper Tiger II

Remember, even though they tested a bomb today (approximated at half the size of the Hiroshima bomb), this is still true.

UPDATE: Josh Marshall (links not working) links to a story postulating that N. Korea's test was a dud. Wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact, the first thing that entered my mind this morning is that I wouldn't put it past those wackos to have stuffed an old mine shaft with 550 tons of TNT (the postulated equaivalent in TNT the blast is estimated to have been) and detonated it in a completely fake test.

UPDATE II: More suspicion the test was a failure, possible conventional weapons used to begin a nuclear explosion. William Arkin's postulation about N. Korea being a wreck (link above) are looking better all the time.