Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Bonus Quote
From Digby, instructing the various pundits and politicos who just don't seem to get Ned Lamont and other Democratic insurgencies:
This is what happens when people don't question assumptions they made 30 years ago. For the last time --- it isn't 1968 and it isn't 1972. It isn't even 1992. It's 2006 and the radicals today wear nice suits and drive nice cars and they are crazy, rightwing motherfuckers who don't give a damn if they drive the Republican party --- and America --- right over a cliff. You'd think it would be obvious by now that the grown-ups are definitely not in charge.
I'll add that they also wear minister's collars and practice their "religion" in huge colliseums and equally large collection plates.