Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This makes me want to cry but explains a lot about why America is in the sorry shape it is in.
Blogger Guthrum said...
Don't worry we have the same sort of people in the UK !

Blogger Lynne said...
That's depressing, gaw!

Blogger Guthrum said...
Well, we once elected a Prime Minister, who promised that it was all about Education,Education,Eduction- what we did not realise that it was Re- Education,Re-Education,Re-Education

Ten guesses who that was !

Blogger Guthrum said...
And I still cannot spell education !

Blogger Ms. Jan said...
Even the morons whose only news is from Faux should be able to get these right! What the heck!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And part 2.