Digby has a nice piece up about how the chips are lined up for Cheney and Rove to further the neocon dream of a regional showdown in the middle east right on cue, at the midterms.
I'm torn.
Digby's point is so thoroughly possible as to be compelling. Yet, something is nagging me. I have this feeling that despite Cheney's wishes, it's just not possible to carry out the PNAC plan without some serious military resources ..... resources he just doesn't have any longer. And if the plan is to get Israel to be his proxy, I have my doubts. Somehow I don't think the Israeli's are as stupid as boy-Bush; not quite as easily manipulated.
I suspect we're in for a continuing dripping conflict rather than and out and out regional conflagration. The upshot is that both scenarios are terrible eventually.
But we shall see as a Gulf of Tonkin moment happens soon.I think
this pretty much summarizes my take on the situation. There will be no winners, only dead people.