Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Monday, May 15, 2006
Glad to See Ya UPDATE
I was really glad to see the Preznit addressing that pressing illegal immigration problem tonight on the tee vee. Afterall, it's obviously one of our most serious and pressing problems!

But I was also happy to see it for another reason. This speech puts a stake right through the heart of any hopes the GOP may have at growing the Hispanic vote. By catering to the religious talibanic types and the "we've-gotta-have-someone-to-hate" crowd he will have alienated whatever moderates are left in his camp.

It's also important to note that this speech was an attempt split the immigration baby in half. He spent a fair amount of time talking about his proposed "guest worker program". While specifically saying it's not amnesty, it's an amnesty program that no one really likes much.

The net effect? He offers warm spit to the right wingers, alienates moderates by militarizing the border, and destroys years of effort by Republicans to woo Hispanics.

Sounds like a win all the way around for America.

But here's the kicker. It's likely to all be just for show:
But Bush will really be engaging in some sleight-of-hand. Anyone who thinks that as a result of the President's order there are soon going to be US troops with weapons in their hands standing steely guard on la linea is going to be very, very disappointed. The new infusion of Guardsmen, if it happens at all, will mostly mean the "troops" taking over some desk jobs and some technical chores, thereby freeing up more Border Patrol agents to run up and down the ravines of Arizona chasing our future cooks and bottle-washers. Some of the guard but might have an expanded role in surveillance as well; but make no mistake, there will be no phalanx of troops on the border. There's also the question of what sort of deployment takes place if the governors of New Mexico and California--as they have indicated--might oppose the measure.
Adding 6,000 untrained troops to border patrol is a drop in the bucket. But hey, if Congress can spend the next few months arguing about flag-burning, I guess some local National Guardsman can put together some TexMex barbeque for themselves out in the desert. Hey, they might even get some of the illegals to help out!

UPDATED: Any doubt that this speech is a loser? Check here. And the final proof? Moderates are hailing it as a "good speech".
Blogger Cartledge said...
But is it about the border security, or just an attempted diversion from other issues? If the latter, the tactic seems to be failing.