Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Friday, April 14, 2006
Humans, Animals, and Violence
Not content to just club seals and skin them alive, Canadians are now threatening those monitoring the hunt.

BLANC SABLON, QUEBEC – The Humane Society of the United States and the Franz Weber Foundation seal hunt observation team, along with a member of the European Parliament and several independent journalists, are currently under threat of physical violence and have taken refuge in their rooms at the Four Seasons Inn. A growing mob estimated at nearly 60 people has gathered outside the hotel and is refusing to let the team leave. Earlier this morning, while attempting to drive to their helicopters, a car containing team members and four journalists was run off the road into a ditch. The vehicle sustained damage but there were no injuries.

These people have aleady had their boat rammed. The link between violence against animals and violence against humans is well documented and this just adds to the evidence.
Shame on you Canada.
I've posted on the hunt here and here and would encourage everyone to take a moment to send the Canadian Prime Minister a letter.