Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
SOTU Preview
I don't plan on writing much about the run-up to the State of the Union Address. The Preznit's at 39% approval, and you know it's going to be terra terra terra all the time. In fact, Heather Havrilesky at the LA Times has a game to play during the SOTU that's pretty much guaranteed to kill you:
Because Bush refuses to take any tips from the Great and Powerful Oz's playbook, the only way to pump up the shock and awe is by playing a drinking game that's custom-made for the State of the Union address. (Kids, don't try this at home. Adults, don't try this anywhere else but home.)

The game is simple enough for even your average registered voter to understand. Basically, every time Bush says "terror," "terrorism," "terrorist," "war on terror" or "Terror Dome," you drink.

Also drink when the president winks, nods and points at someone in the audience in rapid succession; drink each time he refers to 9/11 or uses the word "nuke-u-lar," and drink something bitter when he says that "the state of our union is strong."
Play at your own risk. If you honestly play, I guarantee you won't survive the speech.

Personally, I'll probably watch something stimulating like Jeopardy. I'll read about any highlights later from those who have endured the unendurable. Just a reminder. Nothing proposed in last year's SOTU even came to a vote in Congress .... a Congress dominated by the Preznit's own party.