Bending the Third Rail
Because We Should, We Can, We Do
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Keep It Up Dude
I love it.

The whole flap about the Bush/Abramoff pictures is gaining all kinds of momentum. Josh Marshall has a number of posts up about a scrubba dub dub that been's done on a website that specializes in photos of GOP events.

I want to thank Rove and Bush for taking this stand. They've done it before and I'm glad to see them continue. By opting to try and be secret and suppressive with the photo's, they've created another story to go along with any pictures that actually are leaked. In fact, the story of the suppression and scrubbing has now become a bigger story than the pictures themselves.

And when those pictures finally do emerge? Oh boy. And if they never do? The left will get a couple of weeks out of all the machinations the White House goes through to suppress.
Blogger mikevotes said...
It's weird how their mojo with the media has suddenly disappeared. I don't know specifically which straw broke the camels back, but I've been watching the use of the word "domestic" in describing the NSA spying, and the spin that it isn't isn't taking.
